Should You Use An Independent Host for Las Vegas Nightclubs?
In Las Vegas nightlife, you have hosts who work directly for one nightclub or pool, and you have independent hosts who sell services as a third party to most all Las Vegas nightclubs and pools. If you have seen a website offering to help you skip the line or reserve a table, odds are it is an independent host.
The benefit in working directly with a nightclub host is that you are booking straight through the venue and will likely avoid surcharges and / or tipping an extra person in the process. They can also assist you with any venues within their company. Alternatively, an independent host is useful if you are comfortable paying a little extra for the convenience of having someone handle limousine reservations, table bookings and walking in your group.
Often times if you are responsible for a number of your friends getting into multiple nightclub events throughout your time in Las Vegas, an independent host can be useful as they can help take some of the stressful burden off of your shoulders. If you are completely cool handling things on your own, offers you free direct contacts to everyone you would need to know at each of the pools and nightclubs for reservations and guest list access.
Not all independent hosts are created equal.
If you are planning on using an independent host for Las Vegas nightlife, you should always use one that has positive reviews from past customers. A great start is to Google “(Company Name) Reviews,” and then go from there. There are plenty of perfectly reputable independent hosting companies for you to choose from – and they should be easy to spot through reviews, but there are also quite a few fly-by-night operations that won’t necessarily deliver what you are expecting. Just do your research and you’ll be fine.
Just be aware, if you’re asked to pay a small fee upfront, that is a fee that independent host company is charging for themselves. It is not part of the total cost you will pay at the club.
Don’t be fooled with other companies that say they deal directly with the a host at the club. is the only company out there that does that and our site is completely free to use.
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